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Mobile Search Optimization is a nascent and quickly evolving field, but its one that marketers can take advantage of today, before the search engine results pages become crowded and optimization more difficult. Mobile search optimization is commonly misunderstood as optimization of a web site specifically designed for the mobile web. While this is a large part of mobile search optimization, a truly comprehensive mobile search optimization campaign will also include mobile and local content distribution and an audit of the client’s web site for mobile web accessibility. In this white paper Resolution Media outlines some tactics and processes for optimizing for the mobile user.
There has been x numbers of users expected in near future of the mobile internet users.
This high numbers of users expects brief details at the touch of a finger
Most of the PC / Laptop based web-sites will be replaced with Mobile Web-sites
Why need SEO of mobile web-sites?
Objective based searches: E.g. Grocery stores, Hospitals, Travelers
Location based searches: E.g. Nearest favorite coffee shop, Bus stop, Airport.
Comprehensive search queries: E.g. Objective & Location based search results.
The client shall assume responsibility for all collection for legal fees needed by default in payment. The client shall be responsible for making additional payments for changes requested by the client in original assignment. However, no additional payments shall be made for changes required to confirm to the original assignment description.
How our SEO for Mobile Web-site works?
Mobile screen has a limitation of size, thus content needs to be very brief and punctual.
Our experts will check the content and its target consumers and apply our ideas to get targeted rankings.
We will Read, Analyze and Suggest alternatives or up-gradations to the existing Mobile Web-site based on relevancy.
Device specific (Android, BlackBerry, Symbian, Windows Mobile, J2ME enabled) Mobile Web Site Design suggestions.
How will Balianti Mobile Website SEO will benefit to Mobile Web-site owner and its users?
GPS enabled mobile devices will get relevant results on their handheld.
Higher search engine rankings will bring more revenue, web presence goodwill to the Mobile web-site. Device specific pages (Android, BlackBerry, Symbian, Windows Mobile, J2ME enabled) will be served that gives guarantee of exposure to the target audience.
Balianti Mobile Website Optimization Services Include:
Wireframe essential content to a mobile user
Do mobile-specific keyword research
Optimize for multiple device and browser types
Create and submit mobile sitemap(s)
Audit robots.txt file
Link building
Run benchmark mobile reports
Test, optimize and refresh as appropriate.
Interested in Developing iPhone/iPad/iPod, Android, Black Berry Mobile Web Development, "Click here for a Free Consultation
We encourage you to view our portfolio to get a better idea of what we are talking about. Please either call us at 201-392-1727 or email us at for a free consultation.